
Category: News

Disguised remuneration: postponing the loan charge

HMRC has published guidance on how to postpone the loan charge for disguised remuneration loans due to arise on 5 April 2019. The loan charge will apply to anyone with a loan received through a disguised remuneration tax avoidance scheme that is still outstanding on 5 April 2019.

Budget update: UK commercial property

Thanks to the Chancellor, the UK is about to become a little less attractive to overseas property investors. The recent UK Budget announcement included plans to ensure that non-resident investors in UK commercial property will, from April 2019, pay UK capital gains tax or corporation tax on gains.

Disguised Remuneration 2019 loans charge: Budget update

The Budget Statement provided only very brief but potentially significant details of the government’s proposed measure for transferring an income tax liability from an employer to an employee in respect of an April 2019 disguised remuneration loan charge.

APNs: shooting first doesn’t always hit the target…

Since 2014, HMRC has issued over 75,000 Accelerated Payment Notices (APNs) covering the entirety of the tax avoidance schemes it had under investigation before the new rules were introduced and, in the process, has collected over £4 billion in tax.