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A significant proportion of our clients have an international dimension to their tax affairs.


  • Non-UK residents who have UK properties, investments and business interests
  • UK residents who have overseas properties, investments, and business interests
  • Individuals and their families coming to or leaving the UK
  • UK resident but non-UK domiciled taxpayers who claim the remittance basis of taxation
  • Offshore trusts with UK connections, whether UK resident beneficiaries or holding UK assets such as properties

We advise individuals and their families on UK tax residence, under the statutory residence test. For those who are non-UK domiciled, claiming the remittance basis, we can advise on appropriate structures through which to hold business and personal assets including overseas companies and trusts.

The UK and other jurisdictions increasingly share information on taxpayers automatically and it is, therefore, more important than ever to ensure that any overseas planning achieves the intended objectives and, where required, is correctly disclosed. If required, we can assist with disclosing income and gains to HMRC or resolving disputes regarding overseas matters.

If you would like to speak to us about our bespoke tax advisory services, on a free and confidential basis, please contact us.